Help us make great dance happen. Your gift is priceless.


Your support is vital to Dance Umbrella.

We are a registered charity and in our 46th year as an international home for dance, we will thrive with the help of our generous community of individuals and supporters. Will you join us?


Your support means we can bring world class artists and companies from across the globe to celebrate excellence across all 21st century dance forms.

Your donation helps us to commission new work from the next generation of trailblazing artists and to present their work at our annual festival, captivating audiences across our global city of London. Recently commissioned artists include Oona Doherty, Sonya Lindfors and Trajal Harrell.

Our Creative Learning Programme relies entirely on fundraised income from those who see the vital work we’re doing across our city and want to support it – your donation will mean even more people can then take part in life-changing dance experiences, regardless of their location, background or circumstances.

Please consider making a donation – every gift is priceless.

Dance Umbrella, Registered Charity No. 277221

Contact Us

To find out more about how your donation will support Dance Umbrella, or if would like to discuss your gift supporting a specific area of our work, please contact Dawn Prentice, Head of Development.

Get in touch

Thank you

We would like to thank Dance Umbrella’s funders, partners and supporters listed below and those who wish to remain anonymous. Dance Umbrella’s work would not be possible without the enthusiasm, commitment and financial backing of these individuals and organisations.


Arts Council EnglandBritish CouncilCockayneThe London Community Foundation logoCreative Europe logoThe Edwin Fox Foundation logoThe Linbury Trust logo

Dance Umbrella is proud to participate in Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Digital Accelerator Programme

Bloomberg Philanthropies logo

Venue and Producing Partners

Barbican logoBig Pulse logoBrixton House logoFabric logoPotters Fields ParkSadler's Wells logoShakespeare's Globe logoSomerset House logoSouthbank Centre logoTeam London Bridge logoThe Place logoTrinity Laban logoUnicorn Theatre logo

Dance Umbrella Network

Creative UK logoUK Dance Network logoParents & Performers in Performing Arts logoWhat Next? logo

Artistic Director’s Circle

Eva & John de Blocq van Kuffeler, Michael Lamont, Ashleigh Ruxton, Sandi & Jake Ulrich, Helen Webb