Dance Umbrella partners with Artistic Directors of the Future on Board Shadowing Programme

“Boards that reflect a breadth of experience and perspectives are essential for future-facing organisations”

Dance Umbrella is thrilled to announce it is partnering with Artistic Directors of the Future on its award-winning Board Shadowing Programme, a first of its kind initiative, taking place in arts organisations across the UK. This unique programme offers ADF Members the exclusive opportunity to shadow a consortium of arts boards, which in 2022 will include Dance Umbrella and Without Walls. The programme won the Innovation Award for The Stage Awards 2020.

The ADF Board Shadowing programme is designed to demystify the roles and responsibilities of the board, broker relationships with aspiring trustees and create an even playing field for near-future opportunities.

The nine-month programme provides up to 10 Black, Asian, or Ethnically Diverse ADF members with tangible experience at up to 6 arts venues/organisations to examine what type of board is right for them.

Dance Umbrella Artistic Director and Chief Executive Freddie Opoku-Addaie, and Executive Director Tania Wilmer, said Dance Umbrella was “humbled” to be part of the scheme, “Giving emerging leaders exposure and insight into boards is a vital professional development opportunity. Boards that reflect a breadth of experience and perspectives are essential for future-facing organisations,” they said.

Apply now

If you are interested in applying for ADF’s Board Shadowing Programme, click here.

Deadline Monday 17 January 2022


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